250 Revolution Library Exhibit: Timeline to Independence

Marlborough Public Library 35 West Main Street, Marlborough

A rotating exhibit showcasing our nation's beginnings featuring rare artifacts. Exhibit 1: Religion & Culture (1624-1651) & Early Seeds of Discontent (1651-1750) January 30: 10am - 7pm January 31: 10am […]


New England Fishing Expo

Best Western Royal Plaza 181 Boston Post Road West, Marlborough

The New England Fishing Expo is the region's msot talked-about annual fishing event. Come experience the latest innovations in freshwater, ice, saltwater fishing and boating. Try out the best gear, […]


Yoga in the Brewery @ Tackle Box

Tackle Box Brewing Company 416 Boston Post Road East, Marlborough

YOGA + BEER: The best of both worlds! Enjoy your late Saturday morning with a 60-minute all-levels yoga class, led by 200-Hr CYT Al Dewsnap to fun and uplifting music […]


Live Music @ Tackle Box

Tackle Box Brewing Company 416 Boston Post Road East, Marlborough

Time to get your groove on!!! Ambient Sojourn is rocking Tackle Box!!! Saturday Night! February 1st! 8-11 pm! $10 tickets online, $17 at the door!
